Tuesday 26 January 2010

Second Life

1. How have you chosen to represent yourself?
I created an avatar that represented myself quite realistically and it looks like me in real life
2. What can you ‘do’ in 2nd Life?
Explore, meet other residents, socialize, participate in individual and group activities, and create and trade virtual property and services with one another, or travel throughout the world
3. Who owns 2nd Life? How do they fund it?
It is owned by Linden Lab which is a privately held American Internet company. They fund it
4. Is it a good example of online media produced by the public?

Friday 22 January 2010


Convergence – tendency for different technological systems to evolve towards performing similar tasks.
IM – Instant messaging
Videocasting – Video podcast is a term used for the online delivery of video on demand
Podcasting – The distribution of multimedia files over the Internet for playback on a mobile device, often in MP3 format
Pagerank – A Google patented method for measuring page importance or relevance
Blogs – A blog is a type of website, usually maintained by an individual with regular entries of commentary
Aggregators – Someone who collects headlines for a news aggregation website
Social Software – Web service that allows people to communicate and collaborate while using the application
Collaboration – Two or more people or organizations work together intersection of common goals
Folksonomy – The spontaneous cooperation of a group of people to organize information into categories